Js download file instead of browse to it

Important disclamer While this was a nice PoC from my point of view, I never maintained this module. Please use mature solutions instead such as https://github.com/makinacorpus/drupal-gulpifier or https://www.drupal.org/project/advagg…

You can saving the fancy versions of it (i.e. the Keystore File / Mnemonic Phrase).

Still, some would like to talk about it without looking at it. I respect that, and that's why there's a censored version of this debate at Wikipedia talk:Toby/censored.

Share buttons for WordPress including the AddToAny sharing button, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Pinterest, Reddit, many more, and follow icons too. It brings Firefox Hello (a Webrtc client for voice and video chat), an improved search bar, and the implementation of HTTP/2 (draft14) and ALPN, together with other features. Still, some would like to talk about it without looking at it. I respect that, and that's why there's a censored version of this debate at Wikipedia talk:Toby/censored. Problem CSS can be conditionally loaded for limited 'browsers' (e.g., IE) only, but JS cannot. [#1077878] cannot be done without conditional comment support for JS. Modules like No IE6 cannot load JavaScript files for specific browsers. Material Design for Bootstrap provides a detailed list of changes in each release. Read it carefully to do not miss any important update. However, aspects of this specification are shipping in at least one browser (see links to implementation status at the top of this document). Implementors who are not taking part in the discussions will find the specification changing out…

user.js -- Firefox configuration hardening. Contribute to pyllyukko/user.js development by creating an account on GitHub. Problem/Motivation In terms of interaction, file fields could be a lot more accessible. The style guide proposes both a new appearance and a new interaction design. Proposed resolution Files can be added from the local filesystem using drag… Problem/Motivation Currently both the JS and CSS preprocessors do not work for all use cases. Since drupal_build_js_cache() preforms the JavaScript preprocessing to roll all of the js files into one file, developers try to alleviate this… Important disclamer While this was a nice PoC from my point of view, I never maintained this module. Please use mature solutions instead such as https://github.com/makinacorpus/drupal-gulpifier or https://www.drupal.org/project/advagg… Download LF - Terminal File Manager - Browse files and folders from a dual-pane terminal thanks to this free, open-source and cross-platform application developed in Go

It brings Firefox Hello (a Webrtc client for voice and video chat), an improved search bar, and the implementation of HTTP/2 (draft14) and ALPN, together with other features. Still, some would like to talk about it without looking at it. I respect that, and that's why there's a censored version of this debate at Wikipedia talk:Toby/censored. Problem CSS can be conditionally loaded for limited 'browsers' (e.g., IE) only, but JS cannot. [#1077878] cannot be done without conditional comment support for JS. Modules like No IE6 cannot load JavaScript files for specific browsers. Material Design for Bootstrap provides a detailed list of changes in each release. Read it carefully to do not miss any important update. However, aspects of this specification are shipping in at least one browser (see links to implementation status at the top of this document). Implementors who are not taking part in the discussions will find the specification changing out… Backbone.js gives structure to web applications by providing models with key-value binding and custom events, collections with a rich API of enumerable functions, views with declarative event handling, and connects it all to your existing… Instead of increasing the height of that entire toolbar, allow the Back button to overlap with the toolbar above it, while designing the application menu to be slightly shorter but wider.

This is a follow on from #100516 - CSS preprocessor (and, originally #81835), which is a patch to aggregate multiple CSS files into a single (cached) file. This patch (which should be applied on top of the #100516 patch): Adds an option to…

Owasp Juice Shop: Probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure web application - bkimminich/juice-shop installation of WordPress + Sunshine + all the add-ons pre-installed to see it in action! This is fully functional WordPress installation where you can test all the features without having to install it on your own site. Share buttons for WordPress including the AddToAny sharing button, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Pinterest, Reddit, many more, and follow icons too. It brings Firefox Hello (a Webrtc client for voice and video chat), an improved search bar, and the implementation of HTTP/2 (draft14) and ALPN, together with other features. Still, some would like to talk about it without looking at it. I respect that, and that's why there's a censored version of this debate at Wikipedia talk:Toby/censored.

Hence, instead of replacing multiple CSS files with a “combined.css” file, as described there, the analyzer 300 instead can be configured to combine multiple CSS files into a new container HTML file, store that new container HTML file in…